Cape Town Then and Now is a unique visual portrait of Cape Town and the Cape Peninsula, contrasting rare archival photographs with stunning contemporary views. The book draws on the superb photographic collections of the Western Cape Archives, including the work of Arthur Elliott, Thomas Ravenscroft and Henry Steer. These images portray the changing Cape Town scene from the 1880s to the 1930s – landscape, architecture, transport, recreation and the march of history.
This book systematically describes the angioarchitecture of the spinal cord. Microradiographs of superficial and intrinsic arterial supply and venous drainage patterns provide the anatomical basis needed to understand spinal vascular disorders. These post mortem studies are supplemented by clinical spinal angiographies and case studies.
The Post-Apocalyptic Novel in the Twenty-First Century
Many contemporary novelists, such as Atwood, Mitchell, and McCarthy, have flocked to a literary form that was once considered lowbrow: the post-apocalyptic novel. Calling on her broad knowledge of the history of apocalyptic literature, Hicks argues these writers employ conventions of the post-apocalyptic to reengage with key features of modernity.
Pongo and Perdita are Dalmatian dogs.They have 15 Dalmatian puppies. Cruella De Vil steals the puppies. She wants to make a new fur coat! All the animals in London are looking for these puppies. Can they save them in time?
To rise above the noise and capture your readers' attention, you need candid and catchy headlines. There's an art to writing them, but you don't need to be an artist to master it. Whether you write for blogs, websites, newsletters, press releases, or social media posts, you can learn how to craft attention-grabbing headlines with these essential tips and techniques from veteran journalist and writing coach Starshine Roshell.