Except for the correction of a few typographical errors, this version of my thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on 31 March, 1988 is materially identical to the copies deposited with the Faculty of Arts and the Department of Linguistics at the University of Sydney. However, in order to make this web version more readable on a screen, some of the fonts have been changed, as well as other small changes made to the appearance of some tables and figures. These changes have resulted in changes to the pagination of the original thesis.
Globalization is at the heart of debates about the present phase of development of the world economy. In Globalization and the Postcolonial World, Ankie Hoogvelt joins these debates to examine the ways in which globalization is affecting the countries of the developing world. Taking a new look at historical trends and theories in development studies, Hoogvelt describes the diverse impacts of globalization in sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, East Asia, and Latin America, identifying different postcolonial responses in each of these regions.
Emphasizing the political nature of Greek tragedy, as theatre of, by and for the polis, Rush Rehm Characterizes Athens as a performance culture, one in which the theatre stood alongside other public forums as a place to confront matters of import and moment. In treating the various social, religious and practical aspects of tragic production, he shows how these elements promoted a vision of the theatre as integral to the life of the city--a theatre whose focus was on the audience.
This book provides an historical and a conceptual background to post-structuralism, and in part to post-modernism, for readers entering the discussions on post-structuralism. It does not attempt to be at the cutting edge of these debates nor to be advancing research in these areas. It does however look at the educational implications of the ideas discussed.
Hand and wrist surgery is evolving rapidly and often, advances are directed at developing procedures that are less invasive, with smaller incisions and shorter rehabilitation times. Minimally Invasive Hand and Wrist Surgery is the only book devoted exclusively to these exciting new percutaneous and minimal access techniques for the treatment of chronic and traumatic conditions of the hand and wrist. Nearly forty procedures are described, with step-by-step details and abundant illustrations, all contributed by the leading international experts who are pioneering these new approaches.