A man fell from a very tall building. Why didn’t he die? Why did a dead woman have a frozen chicken under her hat? What fell out of an old man’s ear, and why did everybody laugh? And how did a cow fly? Find the answers in these strange stories.
The stories in this book are exciting and sometimes very strange. Some are sad and some are happy. We meet many interesting people – a young man in love, a lonely customer in a shop, a shy soldier. Strange things happen to all these people. But life is strange sometimes.
Fact..The Vikings reached America five hundred years before Christopher Columbus. Fact..The average life expectancy of a Viking was around 50 years. Being born was the most dangerous part. So what was it like? Did they go to school? How did they keep warm? Did they go on vacation? Find out these facts and much more in First Facts About the Vikings.
Isaiah Berlin’s response to the Soviet Union was central to his identity, both personally and intellectually. Born a Russian subject in Riga in 1909, he spoke Russian as a child and witnessed both revolutions in St. Petersburg in 1917, emigrating to the West in 1921. He first returned to Russia in 1945, when he met the writers Anna Akhmatova and Boris Pasternak. These formative encounters helped shape his later work, especially his defense of political freedom and his studies of pre-Soviet Russian thinkers.
Harcourt Decodable Books are eleven-page, sound-controlled books that gradually increase in difficulty, reviewing phonic elements as they incorporate new skills. Designed for students in Kindergarten, these carefully sequenced books effectively supplement any comprehensive reading or phonics program. A blend of fiction and non-fiction, these vibrant and colorful books will engage beginning readers. High-frequency words and decodable words are listed on the inside back cover.