Many people find centipedes creepy because of their many sets of legs, but these little creatures can also inflict some serious pain. Centipedes have poisonous claws that they use to capture prey and fight off enemies. The claws can be quite painful for a human, but rarely deadly. These are just some of the startling facts children will discover as they explore the strange and unusual world of these creepy crawlers.
How does a land snail move from one place to the next? The snail oozes a thick, slippery slime that it uses to slide over rough objects. Even with their special slime, however, these invertebrates can’t move very fast. In fact, some land snails can only creep along at a speed of about two inches per minute! These are just some of the fascinating facts children will discover as they explore the strange and unusual world of these creepy crawlers.
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The author’s contention is that Chekhov’s plays have often been misinterpreted by scholars and directors, particularly through their failure to adequately balance the comic and tragic elements inherent in these works. Through a close examination of the form and content of Chekhov’s dramas, the author shows how deeply pessimistic or overly optimistic interpretations fail to sufficiently account for the rich complexity and ambiguity of these plays.
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