McLaren’s International Trade covers all of the conventional theory that students are expected to learn, but presents it in a modern and unique way. Aiming to teach students how to use economic theory instead of merely memorizing economic theory, International Trade introduces each topic with a real-world policy problem followed by the models and theories in an applied approach. This approach encourages more student engagement with the material and fosters a view of model theory as a tool for understanding the world. The text is designed well for undergraduate students but can be used in MBA, and Masters of Public Administration courses in international economics.
Evolution of the Market Process: Austrian and Swedish Economics
This impressive volume centres on the relationship between Austrian and Swedish economics. Exploring themes such as capital theory, expectations, policy, market theory and the history of economic thought, this book makes for an interesting read. It will appeal across a wide range of disciplines within economics as well as the philosophy of social science.
This third edition of Hans Bertens’ bestselling book is an essential guide to the often confusing and complicated world of literary theory. Exploring a broad range of topics from Marxist and feminist criticism to postmodernism and new historicism Literary Theory: The Basics covers contemporary topics including: reception theory and reader response theory the new criticism of postmodernism the ‘after theory’ debate post-humanism, biopolitics and animal studies aesthetics
This volume presents research on major issues in syntactic theory within Role and Reference Grammar. This theory was first presented in detail in Functional Syntax and Universal Grammar [FSUG], and these papers represent both expansions and applications of the theory to a wide range of phenomena. The first section contains an introduction to the theory which is the most thorough statement of it since FSUG, summarizing the features of Role and Reference Grammar established there and developing new theoretical components and analyses of syntactic phenomena not discussed in the earlier work.
In Basic Linguistic Theory R. M. W. Dixon provides a new and fundamental characterization of the nature of human languages and a comprehensive guide to their description and analysis. In three clearly written and accessible volumes, he describes how best to go about doing linguistics, the most satisfactory and profitable ways to work, and the pitfalls to avoid. In the first volume he addresses the methodology for recording, analysing, and comparing languages. He argues that grammatical structures and rules should be worked out inductively on the basis of evidence, explaining in detail the steps by which an attested grammar and lexicon can built up from observed utterances.