This book looks at an issue which is at the heart of every classroom – the role that talk plays in children’s learning. Drawing on a substantial research base, the book provides useful suggestions to facilitate successful talk between teachers and children to improve learning and raise standards.
This is a textbook for pre-service elementary school teachers and for current teachers who are taking professional development courses. By emphasizing the precision of mathematics, the exposition achieves a logical and coherent account of school mathematics at the appropriate level for the readership. Wu provides a comprehensive treatment of all the standard topics about numbers in the school mathematics curriculum: whole numbers, fractions, and rational numbers.
Learn Hot English Magazine - No.169, June 2016 (PDF + Audio)
Are you learning English? Or are you an English teacher? Either way... if you're looking for a fun and interesting English magazine for learning or teaching English then you've come to the right place. Hot Englishmagazine is a leading English resource. Its fun and colourful approach to teaching real English as it's spoken by native speakers is popular around the world. Loved by both students and teachers, there's something for everyone and all levels in Hot English magazine.
In November 2008, John Hattie’s ground-breaking book Visible Learning synthesised the results of more than fifteen years research involving millions of students and represented the biggest ever collection of evidence-based research into what actually works in schools to improve learning.
Visible Learning for Teachers takes the next step and brings those ground breaking concepts to a completely new audience. Written for students, pre-service and in-service teachers, it explains how to apply the principles of Visible Learning to any classroom anywhere in the world.
Creating Classroom Communities of Learning: International Case Studies and Perspectives
This is a collection of nine case studies of teachers and young learners in countries as widely separated as USA, Japan and Australia. In each chapter, classroom interaction is interpreted by different authors to illustrate how teachers and their students verbally co-construct culturally appropriate learning attitudes and behaviours. The collection reveals not only similarities and differences across cultural divides, but also how different perspectives can provide alternative and rich interpretations of teaching and learning.