Demystify the collaborative process with this hands-on guide for elementary school library media specialists and teachers!
* Practical suggestions for implementing collaborative planning and teaching with classroom teachers through a variety of units
* Useful ideas for overcoming common roadblocks to collaboration
* A simple, easy-to-adapt template enhances any unit planning
Collaboration is much more than just the latest buzzword. It is a worthwhile concept that can greatly benefit library media specialists, teachers, students and administrators alike. And if it is done correctly, collaborating planning and teaching can help with meeting education standards.
This straightforward resource presents methodology and models to assist elementary school library media specialists in their efforts to work collaboratively with teachers. Each of the 19 units included are standards-based, and provide opportunities for students to master information literacy skills as outlined in Information Power. These examples demonstrate the versatility of the template, in that it can be used across the curriculum in an endless variety of applications, resulting in full compliance with various benchmarks and standards.
Chapters on the history and benefits of collaboration are included. Factors for success; roadblocks to collaboration and how to overcome them; and personal testimonials from administrators, teachers and library media specialists will provide a wealth of information about working in a collaborative environment.
Specially recommended!!! Do not miss it! An important insight into the teachers/librarians mutual understanding, absolutely essential - not only on the school level! - stovokor
Данный четырехуровневый курс английского языка для детей 8-12 лет, может быть использован учащимися с разным уровнем языковой подготовки. В книге для учителя вы найдете подробный план для каждого урока, дополнительные материалы для работы в классе, ответы к упражнениям и тестовые задания.
This four-course English language classes for children 8-12 years old, can be used by students at different levels of language training. The book for teachers, you will find a detailed plan for each lesson, additional material for the class, the answers to the exercises and tests. ENGLISH ONLY!
This book series is excellent for First Grade. It is a wonderful
resource for teachers and homeschool parents. Each is a brand new
workbook, "Phonics and Reading" and "Addition & Subtraction," by
Disney and Bendon Publishing. They have 32 pages each which are
sequential by skill. These skill builder workbooks cover the most
critical Math and Reading skills in First Grade presented during the
school year. They encourage children to learn on their own through the
use of "picture directions and concrete examples." The workbook pages
are in color with all your favorite Disney characters and also includes
a letter for parents and teachers. Each page is perforated for easy
removal, and is filled with engaging activities. The activities
emphasize the key building blocks for academic success. It is complete
with an answer key and a parent resource page.
Cooperative learning is widely endorsed as a pedagogical practice that promotes student learning. Recently, the research focus has moved to the role of teachers discourse during cooperative learning and its effects on the quality of group discussions and the learning achieved. However, although the benefits of cooperative learning are well documented, implementing this pedagogical practice in classrooms is a challenge that many teachers have difficulties accomplishing.