A Guide for Beginning Elementary Teachers: From Getting Hired to Staying Inspired
Confused about how to start on your journey as an educator? This ultimate guide to getting hired and staying inspired is a must-purchase for any beginning elementary school teacher. Donna M. Donoghue and her coauthors have done the legwork for you and provide great tips, strategies, and tactics for getting your foot in the door and beginning a successful career as an elementary school teacher.
English in Mind is a four-level course for teenagers. Each level contains 16 units grouped into four modules. Clear learning objectives at the beginning of each module, plus 'Check your Progress' sections at the end, help students and teachers plan learning more effectively. Each level of the course provides 80-90 hours of class work with extra photocopiable activities and tests in the Teacher's Resource Pack. The course can be used with mixed ability classes and offers dual entry points.
Audio Cds and WB CD-ROM added Thanks to szpulka and paulrid!
Bingo! 5 Książka dla nauczyciela + testy / Teacher's book + test (with a key)
Bingo! 5 Książka dla nauczyciela + testy / Teacher's book + test (with a key) by Ewa Dzierżawska, Ilona Kubrakiewicz: podręcznik do nauki j. angielskiego w szkole podstawowej.
Książka zawiera:*rozkład materiału dostosowany do potrzeb i możliwości percepcyjnych ucznia*książka ma ciekawą fabułę a dzieci chętnie identyfikują się z jego bohaterami*ćwiczenia o różnym stopniu trudności*polecenioa w języku polskim i słowniczek dwujęzyczny*piosenki w stylu rap.
This book is a rich resource intended to support teachers and teachers in training with their teaching of mathematics in the early years. It comprises twenty activities which can be used as starting points. For each activity there are suggestions about how children might respond and guidance as to how the children may be further developed as learners. Support is also given to enable the teacher to embed the learning in a theoretical framework and make links with the National Curriculum.