Teaching English - Language Teacher Education – An Integrated Programme for EFL Teacher Training
Originally published in 1987 this book aimed to address teachers' needs according to context. Following an overview of developments to date, the authors investigated various key issues from PRESET. INSET and advanced teacher education at the time. These included teacher language: working with the need for change while coping with constraints; and counselling versus teaching, Teaching models and sample materials are included.
Teaching English - Developments in the Training of Teachers of English
I reaffirm my conviction that the teacher can contribute in various ways to the creation of a climate conducive to real communication in a foreign language classroom. I would like to point out, moreover, that mutual communication between student and teacher in the classroom community is not only effective but also enjoyable and rewarding for the teacher himself.
Each unit has a story, depicted on large Story cards and recorded on the CD and cassette. The Story cards are easy to use; they have the story text on the back, allowing the teacher to disclose the story bit by bit. When children act out the stories, these can be attached to the wall so that the teacher has his/her hands free to show the children the actions.
Perfect Phrases for School Administrators contains features the key words, phrases, acronyms, jargon and buzzwords used in the field of education and training. You can use these words to write teacher evaluations, settle union issues and contract disputes, deal with vendors and sales reps, communicate effectively with staff, deescalate grievances, and more.