The author-illustrator of such favorites as I'll Always Love You and Let's Be Friends Again! here addresses an issue near and dear to the egos of contemporary youngsters--the importance of being "cool." The boy who tells this story is so cool that he doesn't like to be hugged, except by his Grandma. Only to her will he confess the awful truth: his coolness is merely a facade, and he's actually terrified without the night-light on. When Grandma goes on vacation, she gives the boy a teddy bear to keep him company. Ages 3-7.
The Secret Universal Mind Meditation imparts the sacred truth spiritual masters have taught for centuries. This truth is real and powerful. It starts by changing your belief system, slowly, subtly and gently while you sleep. As you are lulled into blissful slumber, secret messages are whispered into your ears--first audibly, and then just below the level of consciousness. Over days and weeks to come, your conscious and your subconscious mind will accept the secret as true. Without knowing how or why, everything you need and desire will come to you through communing with the Universal Mind.
Added by: filozof38 | Karma: 5.00 | Black Hole | 2 January 2011
An Invatation to the truth (for learning islam)
This web site has been developed with the aim of promoting and publicizing the works of Harun Yahya, a prominent Turkish thinker and author. His books have attracted great attention both in Turkey and worldwide. In the 90's especially, the works of Harun Yahya have been a means of intellectual awakening for many Muslims, and non-Muslims alike, in the face of the illusions of the modern age. In other words, the name Harun Yahya is an invitation to the truth.
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Why does truth matter, when politicians so easily sidestep it and intellectuals scorn it as irrelevant? Why be concerned over an abstract idea like truth when something that isn't true gets the desired result?
In this engaging and spirited book, Michael Lynch argues that truth does matter, in both our personal and political lives. Lynch explains that the growing cynicism over truth stems in large part from our confusion over what truth is
In his quest for the real King Arthur, Rodney Castleden uses up-to-date archaeological and documentary evidence to recreate the history and society of Dark Age Britain. He offers a more complete picture of Arthur than ever before.