Translation Criticism- Potentials and Limitations Categories and Criteria for Translation Quality AssessmentKatharina Reiss's now classic contribution to Translation Studies, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Übersetzungskritik: Kategorien und Kriteren für eine sachgerechte Beurteilung von Übersetzungen, first appeared in 1971. This is the first English translation of this major work, allowing students and practitioners of translation in the English-speaking world to make more extensive use of Reiss's pioneering treatment of a central theme in translation: how to develop reliable criteria for the systematic evaluation of translations.
Added by: amirjavaheri | Karma: 27.57 | Other | 8 February 2015
In this book, Jeremy Munday presents advances towards a general theory of evaluation in translator decision-making that will be of high importance to translator and interpreter training and to descriptive translation analysis. By ‘evaluation’ the author refers to how a translator’s subjective stance manifests itself linguistically in a text.
The need for reliable and valid assessments of translator and interpreter skills has been widely acknowledged inside and outside these professions and the (language) testing community. Despite this agreement, the actual assessments which serve as gatekeepers for professional translators and interpreters do not always live up to the expectations. The focus of the volume is on the assessment of translator and interpreter skills leading to authorization, accreditation, registration and certification in different countries of the world.
If it is bilingualism that transfers information and ideas from culture to culture, it is the translator who systematizes and generalizes this process. The translator serves as a mediator of cultures. In this collection of essays, based on a conference held at the University of Hartford, a group of individuals – professional translators, linguists, and literary scholars – exchange their views on translation and its power to influence literary traditions and to shape cultural and economic identities. The authors explore the implications of their views on the theory and craft of translation, both written and oral, in an era of unsettling globalizing forces