This book synthesizes and integrates 40 years of research on the semantics of questions, and its interface with pragmatics and syntax, conducted within the formal semantics tradition. A wide range of topics are covered, including weak-strong exhaustiveness, maximality, functional answers, single-multiple-trapped list answers, embedding predicates, quantificational variability, concealed questions, weak islands, polar and alternative questions, negative polarity, and non-canonical questions. The literature on this rich set of topics, theoretically diverse and scattered across multiple venues, is often hard to assimilate.
The most engaging experience in teaching exams to teens. Experience - Engage - Excel! Gold Experience is a fast-paced course that engages and motivates teenagers with its wide variety of interesting age-appropriate topics from contemporary contexts such as the Internet, social media, television, magazines as well as content-rich CLIL topics from which your students will learn about the world.
What causes a society to collapse? What's it like to grow up as a third culture kid? How has microcredit changed people's lives? You'll find the answers to these and other questions in Contemporary Topics Introductor, which features college lectures from several academic disciplines, including archaeology, anthropology, and economics. Contemporary Topics Introductory prepares students for the challenge of college lectures with practice in a wide range of listening, speaking and note-taking skills and strategies. The lectures (available on CD and DVD) were filmed in realistic academic setting before line student audiences.
English for Starters incorporates both international cultural topics as well as topics researched specifically for Syrian students learning English. • The Literary Section supplement provides students with a series of exercises exploring some of the most important aspects and writers of English literature. • The Scientific Section Supplement offers a range of stimulating exercises on a range of important scientific topics. • Teachers are helped throughout with clear guidelines and suggestions on how to introduce students to this stimulating material.
IELTS Speaking Success - Skills Strategies and Model Answers
This book clearly explains the different types of questions and topics that are asked for all three parts of the IELTS Speaking Test. Step-by-step instructions are given about how to respond to the different types of questions that are asked in the test and also for a wide range of topics.