The third book in the Above the Line series follows filmmakers Chase Ryan and Keith Ellison as they celebrate their first successful movie. But in the midst of family relationships, broken budgets, and conflicting dreams, Chase and Keith must find their way through the maze of pain and questions that comes with everything they thought they wanted.
Read and Discover combines lively reading material with carefully graded language, enabling students to discover more about the world while learning English. The topics have been chosen to stimulate students' interest and to cover key curriculum content from three broad subject areas: The World of Science and technology, The Natural World, and The World of Arts and Social Studies.
This text focuses on the need for a formal lexical theory, in particular one in which lexical insertion occurs at three derivational levels. Its syntactic, subcategorization-based approach fully analyzes constructions such as causatives, light verbs, nominalization, null arguments, passives, perfects, and pseudo-partitives. Rich empirical treatments based on English, French, Italian and Japanese further claim that morphology should be fully integrated into syntax. Theoretical constructs of Economy and Abstract Case are reformulated as conditions at three interfaces: the Dictionary, Logical Form and Phonological Form.
Read and Discover combines lively reading material with carefully graded language, enabling students to discover more about the world while learning English. The topics have been chosen to stimulate students' interest and to cover key curriculum content from three broad subject areas: The World of Science and technology, The Natural World, and The World of Arts and Social Studies.
Read and Discover combines lively reading material with carefully graded language, enabling students to discover more about the world while learning English. The topics have been chosen to stimulate students' interest and to cover key curriculum content from three broad subject areas: The World of Science and technology, The Natural World, and The World of Arts and Social Studies.