Scientific American Special Edition: New Light on the Solar System
This special edition of Scientific American provides the latest developments about our corner of the cosmos, in articles written by the experts who are leading the investigations. Let the pages that follow guide your tour of our solar system, and savor the fact that you can visit these extraordinary nearby worlds and still be home for supper.
Millions of people around the world have learned to develop their own psychic ability with Jose Silva's Mind Training Systems, and they say, "Thank you for showing me how to change my life for the better." Jose Silva was the world's leading researcher in this field... the first to develop a method to actually train anyone who wishes, to use their natural psychic ability. This new ESP System involves communicating with higher intelligence, as well as all the various aspects of mental telepathy.
This fully up-to-date edition takes account of recent changes in UK legislation. It is a handy desk reference for lawyers and an ideal source of legal terminology for students and secretaries in any country where the legal system is based on English law. It provides clear, jargon-free information for professionals, students, and people without a legal qualification. Over 4,000 entries define and explain the major terms, concepts, processes, and the organization of the English legal system. It features authoritative and up-to-date articles which have been written by practising and academic lawyers. New entries cover the Woolf reforms, human rights law, as well as family law, central and local government, and international law.
The Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance
Added by: cumartesileri | Karma: 114.83 | Fiction literature | 26 June 2007
The Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance The periodic table is one of the most potent icons in science. It lies at the core of chemistry and embodies the most fundamental principles of the field. The one definitive text on the development of the
periodic table by van Spronsen (1969), has been out of print for a onsiderable time. The present book provides a successor to van Spronsen, but goes further in giving an evaluation of the extent to which modern physics has, or has not, explained the periodic system. The book is written in a lively style to appeal to experts and
interested lay-persons alike. The Periodic Table begins with an overview of the importance of the periodic table and of the elements and it examines the manner in which the term 'element' has been
interpreted by chemists and philosophers. The book then turns to a systematic account of the early developments that led to the classification of the elements including the work of Lavoisier, Boyle and Dalton and Cannizzaro. The precursors to the periodic system, like Dobereiner and Gmelin, are discussed. In chapter 3 the discovery of the periodic system by six independent scientists is examined in detail. Two chapters are devoted to the discoveries of Mendeleev, the leading discoverer, including his predictions of new elements and his
accommodation of already existing elements. Chapters 6 and 7 consider the impact of physics including the discoveries of radioactivity and isotopy and successive theories of the electron including Bohr's
quantum theoretical approach. Chapter 8 discusses the response to the new physical theories by chemists such as Lewis and Bury who were able to draw on detailed chemical knowledge to correct some of the early
electronic configurations published by Bohr and others. Chapter 9 provides a critical analysis of the extent to which modern quantum mechanics is, or is not, able to explain the periodic system from first principles. Finally, chapter 10 considers the way that the elements evolved following the Big Bang and in the interior of stars. The book closes with an examination of further chemical aspects including lesser known trends within the periodic system such as the knight's move relationship and secondary periodicity, as well at attempts to explain
Life On Mars
Named after the Roman god of war, Mars has been a source of continual fascination. It is one of our nearest neighbours in space, though it takes about a year to get there. It is very inhospitable with high winds racing across extremely cold deserts. But it is spectacular, with the highest volcano in the solar system and a giant chasm that dwarfs the Grand Canyon.
For centuries there has been fierce debate about whether there is life on Mars and from the 19th century it was even thought there might be a system of canals on the planet. This insatiable curiosity has been fuelled by writers like HG Wells and CS Lewis and countless sci-fi films about little green men.
So what do we know about Mars – its conditions, now and in the past? What is the evidence that there might be water and thus life on Mars? And when might we expect man to walk on its surface?