Precious Ramotswe is haunted by a dream in which she is driving her dear old white van. Grace Makutsi dreams that her 97 percent on the Botswana Secretarial College exam was a mistake. When Mma Ramotswe discovers that her van is actually still in use (and, of course, sets out to retrieve it), Mma Makutsi wonders whether her dream will turn out to be prophetic as well.
Tony Hillerman is a national treasure, having achieved critical acclaim, chart-topping popularity, and a sterling reputation as an ambassador between whites and Indians. Fortunately, he's also still a marvelous writer, much imitated but never equaled. The Sinister Pig--his 16th novel to feature Navajo cops Joe Leaphorn and/or Jim Chee--isn't his best book, but it's still a pleasure from the first page to the last. Its plot is almost too complex to summarize, involving the mysterious shooting of an ex-CIA agent, financial shenanigans around oil-and-gas royalties, disappearing congressional interns, exotic pipeline technology, and the cross-border trade in both drugs and illegal aliens.
Still Standing - The Untold Story of my Fight Against Gossip, Hate and Political Attacks
There’s nothing the liberal media love to attack more than a conservative celebrity. Unless it’s a female conservative celebrity. Make that a beautiful female conservative celebrity. So, when a California beauty queen had the audacity – the nerve – to stand up for traditional marriage in front of a national televised audience, well then, the liberal media went crazy. They called her every vile name in the book – while feminists around the country were oddly silent. Like Sarah Palin, Laura Bush, Ann Coulter and so many before her, Carrie Prejean was vilified for not being the modern American woman that NOW had in mind.
The War for Wealth - The True Story of Globalization, or Why the Flat World is Broken
In The War for Wealth, leading intellectual and agenda-setting journalist Gabor Steingart examines how globalization has affected the state of the world's economy and returns with a bleak outlook for the West: our prosperity and wealth are disappearing faster than ever, and with it our political power and our long-held democratic ideals. But all is not lost; we can still stem the flow of capital and jobs and once again restore the West to its respected position of global leader in economics and politics.
Thinking in Circles about Obesity - Applying Systems Thinking to Weight Management
Low-carb…low-fat…high-protein…high-fiber…Americans are food-savvy, label-conscious, calorie-aware—and still gaining weight in spite of all their good intentions. Worse still, today’s children run the risk of a shorter life expectancy than their parents.