Clothing has been a consistent recorder of history through the years, documenting the heights of fashion as it threaded its way through post-war society.
"Accolades to Yoshio Sugimoto for his latest contribution to contemporary literature on Japan...which is wide-ranging, thought-provoking and comprehensive. Although it is written as a students' text, it will be valuable to both students and teachers." Asian Studies Review
Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
The four-volume "Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World" offers comprehensive coverage of the ancient world, from prehistory to the fall of Rome, including Western and non-Western cultures and civilizations. An introduction outlines the key milestones in the development of human society, from the peoples of the Ice Age whose way of life was so vastly different from ours to the citizens of Greece and Rome whom we easily recognize from history books.
In dealing with a wide range of aspects of the life, activities, and customs of the Late Bronze Age Hittite world, this book complements the treatment of Hittite military and political history presented by the author in The Kingdom of the Hittites . Through quotations from the original sources and through the word pictures to which these give rise, the book aims at recreating, as far as is possible, the daily lives and experiences of a people who for a time became the supreme political and military power in the ancient Near East.
As fuel prices continue to soar, more and more people are finding themselves unable to meet the basic costs of energy, and may be forced to choose between (for example) adequate food and adequate warmth—they are in fuel poverty. It is a complex issue, and for years companies, governments and civil society have vigorously apportioned blame with little to show in the way of practical results.