The Merchant of Venice is a richly complicated and, to some, a deeply disturbing work. Several themes are presented within the framework of a traditional comedy that calls for the triumph of young lovers over their restrictive elders. Yet, the play, with its highly debated portrayal of the moneylender Shylock, resists easy categorization, incorporating elements of tragedy and romance in equal portion. This new edition of critical essays features an introduction by Shakespearean scholar Harold Bloom, a chronology of the Bard's life, a bibliography, and an index for quick reference
Macbeth - William Shakespeare (New Edition) (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations)
Macbeth is William Shakespeare's stark tale of a tormented nobleman driven to pursue a murderous plot by his ambition to usurp the throne of Scotland. The tautly constructed tragedy is a ruthlessly economic drama, marked by a continuous eloquence that is astonishing even for Shakespeare. This new edition of the Scottish play features full-length critical essays suited for in-depth study by high school and college students alike. A bibliography, a chronology of the Bard's life, and an index complete the volume.
There is nothing better than basking in the summer sun or relaxing on a long summer’s evening with delicious food and drink, whilst being serenaded by the Bard. Food, drink and Shakespeare go happily hand in hand, and there is no shortage of references to mankind’s favourite pastimes in his plays. A Midsummer Night’s Dream conjures up images of secluded lover’s picnics in forested glades, of dancing and merriment throughout balmy nights, and feasts of sweet and savoury delicacies fit for a (fairy) King. So, in summertime, and with Shakespeare’s blessing...
The Complete Shakespeare Sonnets [Unabridged] [Audiobook]
THE COMPLETE SHAKESPEARE SONNETS read by Outstanding Actors of the American and British stage: Patrick Stewart, Natasha Richardson, Ossie Davis, Al Pacino, Claire Bloom, Kathleen Turner, Alfred Molina, Lindsay Crouse, Ruby Dee, Brian Stokes Mitchell and more
Shakespeare's tragedy about two star-crossed lovers from warring families has stirred audiences and readers alike and inspired other artists for generations. This invaluable literary reference guide offers a selection of the finest contemporary criticism of this classic Shakespeare play, plus an introduction from Shakespearean scholar Harold Bloom, a list of other works by the Bard, an annotated bibliography, and an index for easy reference.