Angielski dla seniorów - płyta 3 dom i świat (English for the Elderly vol. 3 - 2012 edition)
English for the Elderly vol. 3 is the third part of the audio course at elementary level. Volume 3 covers such issues as: home and garden, country and city, asking the way, interesting places, animals, and my homeland.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 17 December 2011
Gardening in the Tropics
Gardening in the Tropics contains a rich Caribbean world in poems offered to readers everywhere. Olive Senior's rich vein of humour can turn wry and then sharp in satire of colour-consciousness, class-consciousness and racism. But her predominant tone is the verbal equivalent of a pair of wide-open arms. Praise for Olive Senior's work "The thing that immediately strikes one is her control of tone — like a singer having perfect pitch."
The Lords of Discipline is a 1980 novel by Pat Conroy. The novel's narrator, Will McLean, attends the Carolina Military Institute (a fictional military college based on The Citadel) in Charleston, from 1963 to 1967. The novel takes place in four parts. The first describes the beginning of his senior year and the admission of new freshmen into the plebe system. The second is an extensive flashback into his own plebe year. The third focuses on the main body of his senior year and his conflict with the plebe system. The fourth and final part relates to Will's battle against the mysterious Ten.
The Gale Encyclopedia of Senior Health (5 Volume Set)
"The Encyclopedia of Senior Health: A Guide for Seniors and Their Care Givers" collects more than 600 entries that cover various issues related to one's aging body, how diseases affect it, and treatment options, including medications, for said diseases for this population.
Это пособие составлено с целью помочь учащимся старших классов подготовиться к экзамену по английскому языку, который базируется на разнообразных тестовых заданиях и вопросах, разработанных в соответствии с системой оценивания знаний, утвержденной в странах Евросоюза. Весь текст книги - на английском !
This book of tests is made to help senior students prepare for English school-leaving exam that is based on various test tasks developed according to Common European Framework requirements.