An innovative introduction to writing poetry designed for students of creative writing and budding poets alike.
Challenges the reader’s sense of what is possible in a poem.
Traces the history and highlights the potential of poetry.
Focuses on the fundamental principles of poetic construction, such as: Who is speaking? Who are they speaking to? Why does their speaking take this form?
Considers both experimental and mainstream approaches to contemporary poetry.
Consists of fourteen chapters, making it suitable for use over one semester.
Encourages readers to experiment with their poetry.
This Test Booklet contains: - a test for each File of New English File Intermediate, in A and B versions (Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation; Reading and Writing; Listening and Speaking) - answer sheet
Longman English Interactive 2 is the beginner level of a 4-level, video-based, integrated skills program that includes over 100 hours of instruction per level. The program provides presentation and practice in grammar, speaking, listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading and writing.
Разговорник предназначен для школьников 12—15 лет. Содержит тематически сгруппированные фразы, предполагающие ситуации непосредственного общения, а также документальные материалы, в том числе высказывания и сочинения американских школьников на темы мира и дружбы. Разговорник входит в серию «Диалог», предназначенную для тех, кто овладел начальными языковыми сведениями, но не имеет навыков устной речи.
Study English - IELTS preparation, is a series of English language programs for intermediate to advanced learners. Our content draws on authentic material that you can watch, read and listen to plus study notes, tips and activities for practice and consolidation.
The following post contains the videos corresponding to the Series 2 which has not been released to DVD yet. If you wish to download the series 1 in AVI or WMV reduced quality please