Short Articles for Comprehension is a three-level reading course intended for high-beginning to low-intermediate students learning to read English. The non-fiction passages found throughout this series present students with a wide range of informative articles that will help transition students from a learning-to-read stage to a reading-to-learn stage of language development. Transcripts, keys, tests and sample units added by decabristka
The Clinical Anaesthesia Viva Book, Second Edition
The second edition of the hugely popular The Clinical Anaesthesia Viva Book builds on the success of the first by providing a thorough review of short and long case questions typically given to Final FRCA viva candidates. An introductory chapter gives invaluable practical advice on preparation for the viva. This is followed by almost 100 short cases and 25 long cases, all based on viva questions posed at recent examinations.
This wide-ranging introduction to the short story tradition in America traces the genre from its beginnings in the early 19th century to present day. The major writers in the genre are covered in depth with a general view of their work and detailed discussion of a number of examples of individual stories. The Cambridge Introduction to the American Short Story offers a comprehensive and accessible guide to this rich literary tradition.
The author portrays Akhenaten more as an atheist than a monotheist. A striking portrait is an outline of this fascinating 'worshiper of the sun', who is also one of the best known pharaohs. A good overview is provided of the Akhenaten Temple Project. Some of the author's comments are amusing which makes the book more enjoyable especially through the 'dry' moments. The book contains a short glossary, suggested readings, and many black and white illustrations and drawings. It is recommended for the open-minded lay person.
This short, smart book tells you everything you need to know about "nothing." What remains when you take all the matter away? Can empty space--"nothing"--exist? To answer these questions, eminent scientist Frank Close takes us on a lively and accessible journey that ranges from ancient ideas and cultural superstitions to the frontiers of current research, illuminating the story of how scientists have explored the void and the rich discoveries they have made there.