Видеопрограмма для изучающих английский язык! Видеопрограммы English Club TV предназначены для зрителей с разным уровнем владения английским языком: от начального до продвинутого. Say It Right! - занимательная фонетика. Минимум теории и максимум практики! Постигайте искусство правильного произношения английских звуков, разучивая английские идиомы и скороговорки! 15 обучающих программ. Язык английский, субтитры на русском языке.
Writing to H. G. Wells on April 25, 1905, Conrad said, "but since, O Brother!, I am but a novelist I must speak in images." Thus he expressed one important aspect of his artistic theory, for it was his constant concern to find the right word to produce the right image. This talent he ascribed to his friend Edward Garnett: 'You no doubt have the gift of the "mot juste," of those sentences that are like a flash of limelight on the facade of a cathedral or a flash of lightning on a landscape when the whole scene and all the details leap up before the eye in a moment and are irresistibly impressed on memory by their sudden vividness'. REUPLOAD NEEDED
A terrible thing happened to Junie B. Jones! And it's called -- someone took her new black furry mittens! And they kept them! They didn't even put them in the Lost and Found at school. So when Junie B. finds a wonderful pen on the floor, she should be allowed to keep it, too. Right? That's fair. Right? Right? Age Level: 6 and up
If You Teach It, They Will Read - Literature's Life Lessons for Today's Students
What does it mean to 'teach' a poem, novel or play? Surely it is about lessons in comprehension and improvements in language facility, but what does literature teach us beyond literacy? Students can read substantive literature for what its authors intended: an insight into the human condition. Students, even those who appear indifferent, struggle with questions of right and wrong, good and evil, love and loss, self-interest and self-sacrifice. Using literature he has used with his students, MacLean insists that asking the right questions, discussing ideas that still matter, will show students that others have wrestled with the same issues, expressing that struggle in timeless stories.
The Right to Vote - The Contested History of Democracy in the United States
Most Americans take for granted their right to vote, whether they choose to exercise it or not. But the history of suffrage in the U.S. is, in fact,the story of a struggle to achieve this right by our society's marginalized groups. In The Right to Vote, Duke historian Alexander Keyssar explores the evolution of suffrage over the course of the nation's history.