This Official Guide from GMAT outshines all others, simply because the questions are chosen from actual past tests and are very thoroughly researched. Equally important the answer choices for each question are also well thought out and both the correct and the incorrect choices reflect actual test patterns. The explanations for the answers in the Official Guide are crystal clear and very insightful.
WEEKLY PAPERS April 22,2007:The Economist, Businessweek, US News, National Review.
Added by: frlearner | Karma: 0 | | 22 April 2007
WEEKLY PAPERS April 22,2007:The Economist, Businessweek, US News, National Review. The Economist April 21, 2007.
US News and World Report April 30, 2007.
Businessweek April 30, 2007.
Bi-weekly, conservative view.
National Review April 30, 2007.
Added by: Pffy | Karma: 785.54 | Exam Materials » GRE | 15 November 2006
The Princeton Review GRE Practice Test System
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Cracking the GREteaches proven techniques specifically designed to help students prepare for the computerized format of the Graduate Record Examination. Newly updated, this best-selling guide provides comprehensive preparation for the GRE. Book buyers even get an exclusive free pass to go online and take extra full-length practice tests