The Psychology of the Language Learner :Individual Differeces in Second Language Acquisition (Second Language Acquisition Research)This book follows the structure of the seminal book by Peter Skehan (1989), Individual Differences in Second Language Learning. The objective of Dornyei's book is to provide a single-authored monograph on language individual differences (ID) research. Based on this objective, the author provides a consistent and comprehensive review of the most up-to-date studies in this field. In doing so, he extends the traditional boundary of ID research and includes some important learner variables from other fields, such as psychology and sociology.
Based on their many years of experience, the authors have structured
the book so as to build students? confidence in their own writing
ability whilst at the same time respecting conventional ideas of what
is, and what is not, acceptable in the academic domain. To reinforce
student learning, the material is presented using a wealth of clear
examples, hands-on tasks with answers, and logical sequences that build
on earlier chapters. The first two sections of the book address the
preparation and writing of assignments and research projects, while the
third provides a useful toolkit containing reference materials on areas
including punctuation, grammar and academic terminology.
This handbook is a truly remarkable scholarly contribution to the
fields of psychology and education. Reynolds and Kamphaus are leaders
in the field who between them have a developed a number of the most
frequently used psychological and educational tests, and the noted
chapter authors all have impressive publication records as well. While
the first edition was a stellar contribution, the volumes in the second
edition have been improved with extensive updating and revising. A
decade of exciting new research findings are carefully reviewed, and
the latest professional developments incorporated. Encyclopedic in
scope, these well-edited volumes cover virtually every type of
psychological test that can be individually administered to a child.
Additional material on the history of testing, research design, and
ethical and diversity issues, among many other important topics, is
also included. All handbooks strive to be comprehensive, but this one
truly succeeds! All professionals involved in child assessment should
have these volumes at their fingertips.
The importance of research and knowing how to analyze information is essential in many careers. Research and Information Management, Second Edition (the first edition was titled Information Management)
helps students learn how to acquire and manage information of all
types. In today’s information age, it is easy to be bewildered by the
vast amount of data that is easily available. This book looks at
different ways of approaching research and information management.
Topics covered include research methods, evaluating information for
relevance, creating effective presentations, and managing information
with spreadsheet and word processing software
The affirmation of individual creativity in writing is what sets this book apart from other process-oriented rhetorics. Conversational in tone, the book's third edition boasts a writer-to-writer perspective that will put students at ease. The book "walks" students through the main elements of writing from discovery and research to revising and editing. At the same time, it allows for many detours in its step-by-step approach, with frequent reminders that everyone's processes are unique and that establishing and maintaining a personal voice can be achieved while meeting conventional academic expectations. The book examines the different, yet overlapping stages of writing. It addresses rhetorical issues of audience, purpose, and voice, as well as the details of field, library, and Internet research, with particular attention to evaluating sources. It also offers these new features to keep students and teachers up to date: new Web-based research information; the most recent Modern Language Association guidelines; increased coverage of visual elements of texts; more on approaches to writing "alternative" pieces; and a look at the role of creative nonfiction in an academic setting. The book includes examples of the best of undergraduate writing for inspiration, student statements about their writing problems for reassurance, and guidelines for writing groups, portfolios, publishing class books and Web pages, writing essay examinations, and punctuation.