Keanu Reeves shaares his thoughts about filming in the picture "The Day The Earth Stood Still"
Tags: Keanu, Reeves, Earth, StillInterviews, picture, Still, REUPLOAD, NEEDED |
The Common Lawyer by Mark Gimenez
Andy Prescott is the most laid-back young lawyer in Austin, Texas. Specialising in traffic law, he operates from a small room above a ramshackle tattoo parlour. He rides a trail bike and spends way too much time drinking beer in the sunshine. Ambition has never been Andy's strong point he prefers to take it easy. That is, until one of Texas's wealthiest men walks into his office. On the spot, billionaire Russell Reeves retains Andy as his lawyer and, in exchange for some easy legal work, pays him more money than he has ever earned before. Andy's life is transformed.
Tags: Texas, lawyer, billionaire, Reeves, Russell, Common, Gimenez, Lawyer |