Ex-journalist Dan Starkey is stuck in a grimy Belfast bedsit. His life is a disaster, and his only solace is the pub round the corner. He really, really needs something to get his teeth into. Fellow ex-journalist Mark Corkery provides that something. Corkery, an Internet horseracing gossip, wants him to investigate Geordie McClean, the man behind Irish American Racing. Simple enough for a man with Dan's experience, surely? But Trouble is Dan's middle name. And trouble is what he finds.
The Power of an Hour gives you the blueprint for making changes one at a time that add up to a big difference. Most books that promise to help you improve yourself and your business are too formulaic and too focused on one particular aspect of life to really work. But this book is different. It's a holistic guide to the practical, everyday actions you can use to supercharge your personal and business development.
This irreverent guide to drawing cartoons offers tips and tricks from a professional illustrator to aspiring artists. Tips include how to work with perspective and shadows, the best way to stretch and squash physical features, and how small alterations can create unique scenes and characters. Endlessly encouraging young cartoonists, this instructive resource suggests ways to improve basic skills and unleash creativity through drawing exercises and examples.
When Roger, Diana, Snubby and Barney go on holiday to Ring O' Bells village, they are eager to explore the secret passage in Ring O' Bells Hall. Is it really a dead end as they have been told, or does it follow the route marked on the old map they find?
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Black Hole | 14 October 2010
Sefer Ha-Ot - The Book of the Sign
This is one of the rare autobiographic books in Kabbalah. Abulafia relates his experiences and visions, some of which are really frightening. Most notable are his encounters with angels.
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