Get all you need to know with Super Reviews! Each Super Review is packed with in-depth, student-friendly topic reviews that fully explain everything about the subject. The Drawing Super Review covers perspective, color, advanced techniques, and more! Take the Super Review quizzes to see how much you've learned - and where you need more study. Makes an excellent study aid and textbook companion. Great for self-study!
Final Tests for the Michigan Proficiency ECPE by C.N. Grivas
NEW GENERATION PRACTICE TESTS for the MICHIGAN ECPE aims to help candidates achieve their objective by giving them not only adequate examination practice, but also a systematic review of the language encountered at proficiency level.
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine: Self-Assessment and Board Review 15th Edition
It is most applicable as a pocket reference for residents, interns, and medical students, who affectionately refer to it as "Baby Harrison's." "Because it has substantially more depth than several other available reference on-call manuals.
Edited by: arcadius - 1 June 2010
Reason: no links of any kind in the description anymore please! Pumukl
Algebra I Essentials For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))
With its use of multiple variables, functions, and formulas algebra can be confusing and overwhelming to learn and easy to forget. Perfect for students who need to review or reference critical concepts, Algebra I Essentials For Dummies provides content focused on key topics only, with discrete explanations of critical concepts taught in a typical Algebra I course, from functions and FOILs to quadratic and linear equations. This guide is also a perfect reference for parents who need to review critical algebra concepts ...
Harvard Business Review - May 2010Harvard Business Review is a general management magazine published since 1922 by Harvard Business School Publishing, owned by the Harvard Business School. A monthly research-based magazine written for business practitioners, it claims a high ranking business readership among academics, executives, and management consultants.