Cracking the SAT World History Subject Test (College Test Preparation)
Added by: alzoar | Karma: 1152.51 | Exam Materials » SAT | 6 March 2015
Cracking the SAT World History Subject Test (College Test Preparation)
Equip yourself to ace the SAT World History Subject Test with The Princeton Review's comprehensive study guide—including 2 full-length practice tests, thorough reviews of key topics, and targeted strategies for acing the exam. We don't have to tell you how tough SAT World History can be to master—after all, there's so much of it!—or how helpful a stellar exam score can be for your chances of getting into your top-choice college. Written by the experts at The Princeton Review, Cracking the SAT World History Subject Test arms you to take on the test and achieve your highest score.
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This Interactive Reader is a workbook intended to be written in. It has three types of selections: literature, informational texts, and documents that students may encounter in various activities. All selections include the same basic preparation, support, and review materials. Vocabulary previews, skill descriptions, graphic organizers, review questions, and other tools help understand and enjoy the selections. Moreover, tips and questions in the side margins ensure that students can apply and practice the skills they are learning as they read.
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