Proof of the principle, the more the merrier, this is an expanded edition of an ever-popular dictionary. Now reissued and updated, this invaluable work of reference provides the reader with over 1,000 of the best-known English proverbs from around the world.
Every Dorling Kindersley Guide has been a great and interesting book... and delightful to have and use, even if you are not traveling to that location, but are only interested in learning more!
This Leveled Reader Library provides below, on, and above level reading materials, most of which are leveled according to Guided Reading Levels and Lexile Levels (see back page of reader). An activities page and a comprehension check page are included in each reader.
Magic Reader is a series of full-color chapter books for young readers aged 8-10 with audio CD. There are 3 books in this post - Smart Alec, Eggs for breakfast and Special Talent.