Falk" by Joseph Conrad is a story of the protagonist who confesses his crime. He holds back a dreadful secret that restricts his ability to live life to the fullest. This is another work by Conrad that depicts human psychology and unravelling events of the contemporary era. Engrossing!
Shalit draws on the research he conducted as field psychologist in the Israeli military to offer an original behavioral model of combat that accounts for the fighting potential of an individual or group. His model is based on the appraisal process that the individual undertakes in combat conditions to assess a situation, whether it concerns him or not and regardless of his role. It is through this process that the individual makes a judgment, taking into consideration his past experience, knowledge, and expectations, that in turn leads to a course of action.
The topics are covered in a structured way, enabling students to develop a sound understanding of psychology. There is plenty of detail, but not so much as to bewilder.
This bestselling core textbook has been updated and extended to cater for the new specifications in A, AS and A2 Psychology. Each area is covered in depth and in an accessible style. It matches the new AQA AS and A2 Level specifications exactly and includes new chapters on Comparative Psychology and Research Methods and Statistics.
This comprehensive Handbook, the first in a decade, provides an intensive review, integration, and evaluation of the first quarter-century of health psychology research and intervention. Because of research advances in behavioral, psychological, and social aspects of health, health psychology has created a new way of thinking about health and well-being. Working within biobehavioral and sociocultural frameworks, the 51 chapters address basic theories underlying health-behavior relationships while, at the same time, applying those theories to specific disease conditions and the promotion of health.
This book will place current practice and innovative ideas in the light of the behaviourist view of learning and show how the principles derived through the work of Ebbinghaus, Pavlov, Watson, Thorndike, Skinner and others remains an important infl uence in current teaching.