Tracing the rise of Napoleon as the leader of the barnyard animals and his ensuing dictatorship in the farmyard community, this classic satiric allegory serves as a warning to all societies as it depicts the slide from revolution to totalitarianism. Orwell transforms the seeming pastoral innocence of his setting into a pernicious political theater of repression and control. This new edition of critical essays examining Animal Farm provides 10 to 12 full-length critical essays for students of literature, plus a chronology of the author's life, a bibliography, an index, and notes on the contributing writers.
A brand new strand for Developing Literacy: the best-selling library of photocopiable teaching resources. Written specifically to support the government's new Primary Framework for Literacy, it features completely new activities, a fresh modern design both inside and out and provides busy teachers with 64 pages of visually attractive handouts.
his volume provides a thorough account of the critical tradition emerging with the modernist and avant-garde writers of the early twentieth century (Eliot, Pound, Stein, Yeats), continuing with the New Critics (Richards, Empson, Burke, Winters), and feeding into the influential work of Leavis, Trilling and others. The book provides a companion to the other twentieth-century volumes of The History of Literary Criticism, and offers a systematic and stimulating coverage of the development of the key literary-critical movements, genres, and individual critics.
The second and third movements of Luciano Berio's Sinfonia (1970) are emblematic of the 1960s. After a two-minute memorial to Martin Luther King, the third movement evokes the contrast between the exuberant past and the decentered present. Against the backdrop of the Scherzo movement of Mahler's second ("Resurrection") symphony, a continuous rendition which provides the only apparent structure, we hear bits of the 60s— fragments from May 1968, in France, conversations about art and music, references to other events, chatter.
* Offers practice exams virtually identical to the actual iBT (Internet-based test). * Is great for intermediate and advanced students. * Covers four important areas of English listening, speaking, reading, and writing. * Provides hours of educational practice. * Provides a detailed score, in two of the four sections, showing students the areas they may need to improve in.
Practice Tests for the TOEFL® iBT have three versions