The Handbook of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Sleep and Behavior provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art review of current research and clinical developments in normal and disordered sleep from infancy through emerging adulthood. The handbook comprises seven sections: sleep and development; factors influencing sleep; assessment of sleep and sleep problems; sleep challenges, problems, and disorders; consequences of insufficient sleep; sleep difficulties associated with developmental and behavioral risks; and prevention and intervention.
There are six vocabulary games for A1 students. These picture based games were created by Ridvan B. Saglam and published in for the first time.
Topics of the games are ; Daily Actions, Free Time Activities, Health Problems, Items in the House and Places in the City.
An Engineer’s Guide to Mathematica enables the reader to attain the skills to create Mathematica 9 programs that solve a wide range of engineering problems and that display the results with annotated graphics. This book can be used to learn Mathematica, as a companion to engineering texts, and also as a reference for obtaining numerical and symbolic solutions to a wide range of engineering topics. The material is presented in an engineering context and the creation of interactive graphics is emphasized. The first part of the book introduces Mathematica’s syntax and commands useful in solving engineering problems.
It has become increasingly clear that metaphor needs to be explored in terms of the social and discourse context in which it is used, especially where the aim is to address real-world problems. The notion of 'real world' metaphor research has been developed to describe this important area of investigation. This book starts by describing the nature and scope of real world metaphor research and then illustrates, through 17 detailed, mainly empirically-based studies, the different areas it can apply to, and different methodologies that can be employed. Research problems are explored in areas such.