This book is called Revolution222, and it’s about a revolution here in America when a guy named Bob thinks of an idea that changes the world. His idea involves taking responsibility for his own life by creating a ‘free rEPUBlic of Boblovia’ that answers to nobody and gets its power from the individual. Bob espouses the idea that taking full responsibility for his life is the only way to personally live, and by doing so, he shows others how to gain control over their lives.
Intention is the starting point of every spiritual path. It is the force that fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual awakening, or love. Intention generates all the activities in the universe. Everything that we can see – and even the things we cannot – are an expression of intention’s infinite organizing power.
In windy places, some people catch the wind’s power with special equipment and use it to make energy. The schools in one area are using wind power to save energy and money. How is this energy made? Where is it all used?
Language As Commodity: Global Structures, Local Marketplaces
Throughout human history, languages have been in competition with each other. As the world becomes more globalized, this trend increases. It affects the decision-making of those in positions of power and determines macro language policies and planning
Power Practice Word Games (Grades 2-3)Power Practice Word Games contains over 100 ready-to-use activity pages to provide students with skill practice. The fun activities can be used to supplement and enhance daily lessons. Teachers can give activity pages to students as independent class work, or send the pages home as homework to reinforce skills taught in class. The book provides a collection of challenging puzzles and word games to help improve vocabulary and spelling as well as to sharpen creative thinking skills. Perfect for learning centers, small group instruction, or whole class activities. The book features word scrambles, crossword puzzles, category games, analogies, and word searches An answer key is included.