Film adaptations of Shakespeare's plays are increasingly popular and now figure prominently in the study of his work and its reception. This Companion is a lively collection of critical and historical essays on the films adapted from, and inspired by, Shakespeare's plays.
Language, Learning, Context: Talking the Talk (Foundations and Futures of Education)
In what way do educators understand the language they use to make sense of the educational environment?
How does language enable educators and how can they consciously make the most of its potential?
Using the right language and setting the correct tone in the school classroom has repercussions for all involved; whether it affects the linguistic development of a student or the effective delivery of a lesson, language plays an important factor in any educational context.
The Drama 100: A Ranking of the Greatest Plays of All Time
Which plays are truly great, and why? This fascinating reference profiles 100 of the greatest plays drawn from all cultures and periods of literature. Compiled in consultation with literary scholars, "The Drama 100" is sure to engage students and theatergoers in a spirited discussion of literary values.
The Renaissance or Early Modern period saw a creative explosion of such force that, four hundred years later, its plays are still some of the most frequently performed and studied of dramatic works. This anthology offers a full introduction to Renaissance theatre in its historical and political contexts, along with newly edited and annotated texts of such plays as: Edward II (Christopher Marlowe), Tis Pity She's a Whore (John Ford), and The Masque of Blackness (Ben Jonson).