Ice cream or sorbet, red meat or fish, fruits or pastries, eggs or oatmeal-our lives are filled with choices about what we eat. That's why Lori Smolin and Mary Grosvenor's Nutrition: Science and Applications helps you understand how to analyze nutritional information and apply your knowledge to the nutrition issues you face each and every day.
Muscle Gene TherapyMuscle disease represents an important health threat to the general population. Unlike diseases affecting other tissues/organs, therapeutic options are quite limited for many inherited muscle diseases such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy. There is essentially no cure. Gene therapy holds great promise to correct the genetic defects and eventually achieve full recovery in these diseases. This book will bring together the leaders in the field of muscle gene transfer to provide an updated overview on the progress of muscle gene therapy. It will also highlight important clinical applications of muscle gene therapy.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Ischemic StrokeThe imaging of stroke has undergone significant changes owing to the rapid progress in imaging technology. This volume, comprising three parts, is designed to provide a comprehensive summary of the current role of MR imaging in patients with ischemic stroke. The first part outlines the clinical presentations of stroke and discusses the diagnostic efficacy and therapeutic impact of MR imaging.
Accounting Principles (9th Edition)Weygandt's Accounting Principles starts with what students know. In the new Ninth Edition, students clearly see the relevance of accounting in their everyday lives and are therefore motivated to do the work assigned. It introduces challenging accounting concepts with examples that are familiar to the student. This connection to their everyday lives helps build student motivation, a key driver of student time spent on assignments and ultimately their mastery of the concept.
Neurology in Clinical Practice (2 vol. set)Designed as a practical textbook of neurology, this two-volume fourth edition contains 87 chapters covering principles of diagnosis and management (v.1) and neurological disorders (v.2).
Topics include neurological symptoms and conditions such as vision loss, cranial and facial pain, and gait disorders; neurological causes of bladder, bowel, and sexual disorders; laboratory investigations in diagnosis and management of neurological disease; clinical electromyography and neuroimaging; principles of neuropharmacology and therapeutics; vascular diseases of the nervous system; cancer and the nervous system; effects of toxins and physical agent; disorders of the nervous system ...