Divorced, Beheaded, Died - The History of Britain's Kings and Queens in Bite-Sized Chunks
The tales of the various monarchs of Britain are some of the most interesting in our history. From Henry VIII and his six wives and Edward VIII's abdication to some of our lesser known and mythical monarchs such as King Arthur, "Divorced, Beheaded, Died..." takes you on a gallop through the history of Britain's monarchs from the legendary King Brutus, through the houses of Tudor and Stuart, and up to the Windsors, including the major monarchs of Scotland and Wales.
Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
New title! Designed to help advance students master spoken and written English as it is actually used, this groundbreaking new dictionary provides in-depth and up-to-date coverage of basic English vocabulary, grammar, and usage. Outstanding features include nearly 100,000 words and phrases, more than 160,000 usage examples, more than 22,000 idioms, verbal collocations, and commonly used phrases, and more than 1,000 original drawings-including 16 pages of full color art. Abundant supplemental information includes 25 pages of grammar.
Ancient Rome masterfully synthesizes the vast period from the second millennium BCE to the sixth century CE, carrying readers through the succession of fateful steps and agonizing crises that marked Roman evolution from an early village settlement to the capital of an extraordinary realm extending from northern Britain to the deserts of Arabia. A host of world-famous figures come to life in these pages, including Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Augustus, Livia, Cicero, Nero, Hadrian, Diocletian, Constantine, Justinian, and Theodora.
A collection of puzzles of different kinds. It is the same book offered for download, but printed in black and white without a couple of colour graphics (171 pages). I thought the book would be too expensive if printed in colours for only a couple of pages .
Rang & Dale's Pharmacology provides you with all the knowledge you need to get through your pharmacology course and beyond. Drs. Humphrey P. Rang, Maureen M. Dale, James M. Ritter, Rod Flower, and Graeme Henderson present a clear and accessible approach to the analysis of therapeutic agents at the cellular and molecular level through detailed diagrams, full-color illustrations, and pedagogical features. Plus, USMLE-style review questions and additional learning tools online at studentconsult.com make this the perfect resource to turn to for a full understanding of key concepts in pharm