This book provides a comprehensive exposition of the theory of braids, beginning with the basic mathematical definitions and structures. Among the many topics explained in detail are: the braid group for various surfaces; the solution of the word problem for the braid group; braids in the context of knots and links (Alexander's theorem); Markov's theorem and its use in obtaining braid invariants; the connection between the Platonic solids (regular polyhedra) and braids; the use of braids in the solution of algebraic equations.
When Professor Otto Dunkel died in 1951, it was found that he left a bequest to the Mathematical Association of America. After deliberation, the Board of Governors of the Association voted that the income from Professor Dunkel's bequest be spent in publishing an Otto Dunkel Memorial Problem Book, based upon the better problems that have appeared over the years in the American Mathematical Monthly.
If you like problem solving, this book belongs on your shelf. Some knowledge of linear or abstract algebra is needed for a few of the problems, but most require nothing beyond calculus, and many should be accessible to high school students. The book centers on solutions which are elegant, instructive, and clear. Often several solutions to the same problem are presented. There are many hints and comments to help you and to put solutions in a broader perspective.
An illustrated magazine for those who study and teach English published in Russia.. On its pages you find information about English-speaking countries, news, music life, short stories, scripts for plays in school theater productions, poetry contests, the texts of popular songs, crosswords and chaynvordy, psychological tests, logic problem, as well as such serious things as samples of job offered admission to entrance examinations. ENGLISH CONTENT ONLY!
Focused, organized, and easy to follow, Glencoe Pre-Algebra shows your students how to read, write, and understand the unique language of mathematics, so they'll be prepared for every type of problem-solving and assessment situation.