The Strange Death of English Leg Spin: How Cricket's Finest Art Was Given Away
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 5 July 2016
The Strange Death of English Leg Spin shows how a century of neglect effectively killed any chance of England producing its own Warne. Petty rivalries, mistrust, ridiculous rule changes, jealousies, ineptitude and neglect combined to ensure that Ian Salisbury, Tich Freeman, Chris Schofield and others never had a chance to become world-beaters. Featuring interviews with key players, psychologists and coaches and in-depth historical research, the book suggests how England can once again become the global centre of leg spin.
In a field like L2 vocabulary teaching and learning where interest and research studies are burgeoning, this book offers a useful collection of papers that contains new ways of investigating vocabulary development, techniques for vocabulary teaching such as the Focus on Form hypothesis, word associations, and the use of concordance data. In addition, it tackles recent areas of analysis such as the treatment of vocabulary in teaching materials-an area of almost complete neglect in the literature. The book is divided into three parts. Part one provides the overview and deals with the development.
Martin Heidegger's failure to acknowledge the role of the body in his analysis of everyday human existence (Dasein) has generated a cottage industry of criticism from such prominent continental figures as Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, Derrida, and Irigaray. In Heidegger's Neglect of the Body, Kevin A. Aho suggests the critics largely fail to appreciate Heidegger's nuanced understanding of Dasein, which is not to be interpreted in terms of individual existence but in terms of a shared horizon of being that is already there.
Arts, Inc.: How Greed and Neglect Have Destroyed Our Cultural Rights
In this impassioned and persuasive book, Bill Ivey, the former chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, assesses the current state of the arts in America and finds cause for alarm. Even as he celebrates our ever-emerging culture and the way it enriches our lives here at home while spreading the dream of democracy around the world, he points to a looming crisis.