This volume resumes the narrative begun in its companion volume, "The American Republic", which covered the first eight decades of U.S. history, ending at the onset of the Civil War. "The American Nation" continues the story through America's entrance into World War II.
Don't Blame the Shorts: Why Short Sellers Are Always Blamed for Market Crashes and How History Is Repeating Itself
"A useful corrective to the view of short selling as 'unpatriotic' or uniquely anti-social."--John Plender, Financial Times, November 16, 2009 "I liked this book. It was short and to the point and very well researched. As we are living in an era of history repeating itself, Mr. Sloan depicts the negative market psychology that has transcended Wall Street since the birth of our nation." --Ted Stamas, Instablog, November 2009
Asphalt Nation: How the Automobile Took Over America and How We Can Take It Back
Asphalt Nation is a powerful examination of how the automobile has ravaged America's cities and landscape over the past 100 years together with a compelling strategy for reversing our automobile dependency. Jane Holtz Kay provides a history of the rapid spread of the automobile and documents the huge subsidies commanded by the highway lobby, to the detriment of once-efficient forms of mass transportation.
Herds and Hermits: America's Lone Wolves and Submissive Sheep
Added by: susan6th | Karma: 3133.45 | Fiction literature | 29 December 2009
Herds and Hermits: America's Lone Wolves and Submissive Sheep
As a nation often celebrated for its commitment to independence and fearless individualism, America has at the same time learned to despise, discredit and dismiss the solitary and reclusive mentality. To the contrary, this inquiry is a paean vigorously endorsing America's lone wolves, cultural hermits, and all such solitary, marginalized figures who are the cultural bedrock of the nation that detests them.
The Nineteenth Century provides the most comprehensive account available in any Western language of Japan's transformation from a feudal society to a modern nation state.