In Defense of Science: Why Scientific Literacy Matters
This book explains why ordinary citizens need to have an understanding of science, its methods, and its groundbreaking discoveries. The authors introduce the most basic scientific concepts in accessible and straightforward language. Along the way they debunk several misconceptions of science and scientists, and arrive at a view of science as an integral part of society, policy, and everyday life.
Literacy by Design: Leveled Readers 2 (Kindergarten)
These leveled readers help children in kindergarten develop emergent reading skills. They engage beginning readers as they develop sight word recognition and build fluency and comprehension skills.
Literacy by Design: Leveled Readers (Kindergarten)
These leveled readers help children in kindergarten develop emergent reading skills. They engage beginning readers as they develop sight word recognition and build fluency and comprehension skills.
Responsive Literacy Coaching - Tools for Creating and Sustaining Purposeful Change
In Responsive Literacy Coaching, Cheryl Dozier draws on twenty-four years of experience as an elementary classroom teacher and teacher educator to present both a theoretical framework and practical tools to enact responsive literacy coaching. Through thoughtful and purposeful coaching, teachers learn effective ways to improve literacy instruction and student achievement.
Handbook of Literacy and Technology. Transformations in A Post-typographic World
The major shift going on today in the technologies of reading and writing raises important questions about conventional conceptions of literacy and its role in education, society, and culture. What are the important characteristics of electronic forms of reading and writing distinguishing them from printed forms? To what extent and in what ways is literacy being transformed by new technologies? This central question is addressed in this volume from diverse, multidisciplinary perspectives.