The How To ... series is for those eager to learn a new hobby and for sports fans hoping to become an expert. With this exciting new series, kids can become a pro in no time! Introducing the language of dance and making it easy to understand and remember, How to ... Ballet shows prima ballerinas step by step instructions from basic exercises to more advanced arabesques, pirouettes, leaps, and jumps and even how to look the part, with useful advice from the professionals. You'll also get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the stories, sets, and costumes that go into producing a ballet spectacle.
Interpreting Ancient Figurines: Context, Comparison, and Prehistoric Art
This book examines ancient figurines from several world areas to address recurring challenges in the interpretation of prehistoric art. Sometimes figurines from one context are perceived to resemble those from another. Richard G. Lesure asks whether such resemblances play a role in our interpretations. Early interpreters seized on the idea that figurines were recurringly female and constructed the fanciful myth of a primordial Neolithic Goddess. Contemporary practice instead rejects interpretive leaps across contexts. Dr. Lesure offers a middle path: a new framework for assessing the relevance of particular comparisons.
Added by: honhungoc | Karma: 8663.28 | Black Hole | 27 November 2010
Trader Library - Trader Secrets
Every trader has, at some point, let emotions guide their trading - usually resulting in costly results. The most successful traders will even tell you that the discipline they were forced to embrace as a result, was the key to their future trading success. Trader Library - Trader Secrets DVD Investing with LEAPS: Choices in Long-Term Options - Bittman, James Is it a collection? How many titles are inside?
Discover how elite investors bring in triple-digit returns! With The Alpha Hunter, readers will learn how to manage the “four winds” of the stock market: bubbles, currency, economic contraction, and economic growth. Blending technical skill with a deep understanding of the fundamentals, the author provides what readers need to achieve risk-adjusted returns that earn higher than benchmark (alpha), as well as successfully invest in long-term equity anticipation securities (LEAPS).
Scaredy Squirrel never leaves his nut tree. It’s way too dangerous out there. He could encounter tarantulas, green Martians or killer bees. But in his tree, every day is the same and if danger comes along, he’s well-prepared. Scaredy Squirrel’s emergency kit includes antibacterial soap, Band-Aids and a parachute. One day his worst nightmare comes true! But as Scaredy Squirrel leaps into the unknown, he discovers something really uplifting ... (A Storytime activity sheet is included.)