For almost two hundred years, from 1095, the Crusades raged on and off dramatically ending with the fall of Acre in 1291, leaving us with some of the most striking images of the Middle Ages. This was the period that saw the birth and dominance of the Knights Templar, The Hospitallers and the Teutonic Knights and also gave rise to such legendary figures as Saladin and Richard the Lionheart.
The Last Templar is a 2005 novel by Raymond Khoury, and also is his debut work. The novel topped the New York Times Bestseller list for 22 months. In ad 1291, following the fall of Acre, Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem to the Saracens, a small party of Knights Templar leave the city with a small chest. Their ship, the Falcon Temple, is damaged in a storm at sea and sinks. One of the Knights is mortally wounded in the event; he dies on land after hiding a small leather pouch under a gravestone. He charges the remainder of the ship's company to deliver an encoded letter to the Head of the Templars.
The Secret History of Freemasonry: Its Origins and Connection to the Knights Templar
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Black Hole | 8 April 2011
The Secret History of Freemasonry: Its Origins and Connection to the Knights Templar
Explores the hidden history of Freemasonry from ancient Rome, through the Middle Ages, to the present• Shows the close connection between medieval masons and the Knights Templar• Illustrates the sacred nature of Roman and medieval trade associations• Reveals the missing link that connects the lodges of modern Freemasonry to the medieval brotherhoods of buildersHistorians often make a sharp distinction between the operative Masonry of the Middle Ages and the speculative Masonry of modern times, emphasizing that there is no direct bridge connecting the two. Modern historians also have scoffed at Masonic claims concerning the close relationship between the Lodge and the Temple.
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Fairy Tale Knits: 32 Projects to Knit Happily Ever After
32 whimsical patterns for children twelve months to eight years.
Two timeless traditions-fairy tales and knitting-come together magically in the season's most original knitting book. You'll get patterns to knit pieces that are reminiscent of the world's most beloved fabled characters, including Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Robin Hood, Hansel and Gretel, knights, pirates, and many more. From a fanciful capelet and muff to a playful baby jumper and hat, these are the children's knitting patterns dreams are made of.
In this collection of problems, Raymond Smullyan transports the game of chess to the world of the Arabian knights. The White King is Haroun Al Rashid, the White Bishop is his Grand Vizier, Archie. They are out to counter the Black King Kazir's attempts at invisibility, and to unmask the disguised Queen Medea. In addition, using the deductive logic that is the hallmark of these exercises in retrograde analysis, Haroun and Archie discover pawns who've robbed the royal treasury, lazy knights who refuse to move more than once or twice, and buried castles, as well as encountering any number of phantoms, genii, magicians, philosophers, and hermits.