True to their porcine nature, a family of pigs overloads on pizza in a silly, super-easy story with a moral for everyone who's ever pigged out! Full-color illustrations.
In this simple, sweet, and very human picture book, Mercer Mayer's popular Little Critter shows us all the things he can do by himself, from tying his shoes (almost) to pouring his own juice (and only spilling a little). The wry illustrations often point up the fact that Little Critter doesn't do everything perfectly, but he makes an effort to do the best he can.
It's a child's wish come true. Mercer Mayer's famous Little Critter character has brought home a puppy. HIs parents will let him keep it if he takes care of the puppy himself. Little Critter agrees. He feels he is doing a good job, but the funny illustrations make it clear that the puppy is a lot of work -- and even a lot of trouble. Does Little Critter think ithe puppy is worth it? Yes, yes, and yes, again.
Англо-русский словарь. 500 слов в картинках / English-Russian dictionary. 500 words in pictures
Tocommunicate fluentlyin England andAmerica, India andAustralia,in English classandat home-the 500 mostpopularEnglish words in the500funniestillustrations.