TTC Video - Experiencing Hubble - Understanding the Greatest Images of the Universe
A few hundred miles above Earth, there is a remarkable telescope with a crystal-clear view across the universe. For two decades, the Hubble Space Telescope has been amassing discoveries that rival those of history's greatest scientists and explorers, making it the most important and productive scientific instrument ever built.
The Te of Piglet . . . in which a good deal of Taoist wisdom is revealed through the character and actions of A. A. Milne's Piglet. Piglet? Yes, Piglet. For the better than impulsive Tigger? or the gloomy Eeyore? or the intellectual Owl? or even the lovable Pooh? Piglet herein demonstrates a very important principle of Taoism: The Te--a Chinese word meaning Virtue--of the Small.
Steve has to go shopping, but he doesn't want to miss his favourite radio programme with Tara Mason. As he listens, he realises he has something important to tell her. Can he tell her in time?
A comprehensive reference grammar specially developed for advanced students and teachers of English. Using information from the COBUILD database, the editors have selected what they consider to be the most important examples of spoken and written modern English.
Discovering Physical Geography provides a comprehensive suite of animations, simulations and interactivities that help readers comprehend important Earth processes.