This report is about how to improve quality in health care – a vital objective for health systems everywhere. Quality in health care is multifaceted and has various perspectives. Every patient has a right to receive timely, safe and effective care. Patients also have a right to be informed about the care process and about its risk and benefits. Those who fund and manage health care have a duty to ensure that scarce health care resources are used judiciously and wisely for the greatest public good.
Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements, Second Edition
Funneling basic chemical, preclinical, and clinical data into a descriptive form useful to health care professionals, researchers, and educated, health-conscious consumers, Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements presents peer-reviewed, objective entries that rigorously examine the most significant scientific research.
Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy: The Matrix Method, Third Edition
Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy helps students and practitioners better understand scientific literature by instilling the essential skills (via the matrix method) needed to critically evaluate article findings. The fundamental principles of searching, organizing, reviewing, and synthesizing are covered at the most basic level. Visual examples and a single case study are woven throughout the text.
Medical Law, Ethics, & Bioethics for the Health Professions
Now in its sixth edition, "Medical Law, Ethics, and Bioethics for Ambulatory Care" continues to champion the "Have a Care" cause while providing readers with a strong ethical and legal foundation to better serve their clients. Any direct client contact involves ethical and legal responsibility and a certain level of ambulatory health care knowledge. This book provides that and provides a solid groundwork for ambulatory care as it pertains to legal concepts and laws, ethical issues, and bioethics faced in today's medical practices - by today's health care professionals.
This book examines some of the patterns in the rich tapestry of medical law. After a brief introduction to some leading bio-ethical principles, the book examines the interplay of different areas of law as they impact on medical practice, such as constitutional limitations on the delivery of health care and the impact of the law of contract, tort and crime. Particular emphasis is given to the thorny issue of consent to treatment. The second part of the book examines a diverse range of particular medico-legal problems including advance treatment directives, euthanasia, mental health law, and the law relating to patients suffering from AIDS.