Visual Guide to Grammar and Punctuation A clear, precise, and comprehensive book that will give children the tools to build confidence in reading, writing, and comprehension through visual explanation. From when to use a preposition or pronoun to how to use a comma or colon, Visual Guide to Grammar and Punctuation covers all the most important grammar topics in DK's signature style. Each example provided is supported by a picture, making it accessible and comprehensible, and clear and simple text and repetition help to solidify knowledge and understanding...
Keys to Teaching Grammar to English Language Learners (Handbook + Workbook)
The four objectives of the book are to help teachers: (1) identify common ELL grammar points and understand the details associated with each one; (2) improve their ability to answer any grammar question on the spot; (3) anticipate common ELL errors by grammar point, by first language, and by proficiency level; and (4) develop more effective grammar/language learning lessons.
The Workbook provides extra practice in the grammar points studied in the handbook.
The 2nd edition of Oxford Discover builds on it's tried and tested methodology, developing 21st Century Skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity to prepare students for future success at primary school and beyond.
Grammar, Meaning, and Concepts: A Discourse-Based Approach to English Grammar
This is a book for language teachers and learners that focuses on the meanings of grammatical constructions within discourse, rather than on language as structure governed by rigid rules. This text emphasizes the ways in which users of language construct meaning, express viewpoints, and depict imageries using the conceptual, meaning-filled categories that underlie all of grammar. Written by a team of authors with years of experience teaching grammar to future teachers of English, this book puts grammar in the context of real language and illustrates grammar in use through an abundance of authentic data examples...
With more than 50 years of teaching experience between them, Ilse Depraetere and Chad Langford present a grammar pitched precisely at advanced learners of English who need to understand how the English language really works without getting lost in the complex specifics...