Easy & Engaging ESL Activities and Mini-Books for Every Classroom
Not sure how to teach a student who speaks only a little English or none at all? This quick and easy guide can help with tips for preparing for your new student, assessing the child’s needs and abilities, communicating with the student’s family, and much more. For use with Grades 1-4.
Our body is filled with cells - millions of them! From the nucleus to the cytoplasm - cells are an integral part of our body's structure since they carry out all life functions. Breathtaking microphotography helps viewers understand processes such as osmosis, cell division and the various kinds of cells that make up our body. These concepts are illustrated with hands-on experiments.
Our blood pressure and breathing patterns are the very basis of our existence. Learn about the heart and explore its anatomy. Also find out about the blood, and its four main components: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. Enter the respiratory system by exploring the nose, larynx and lungs. Find out about inhaling and exhaling, and how the two systems work together. The concepts are clearly illustrated with hands-on experiments.
Sometimes we just get sick. Luckily the human body has its own self-defence system. Learn about how our skin, white blood cells and antibodies work to ward off disease, sickness and other ailments. Find out how our bodies react to various environmental situations. A hands-on experiment is included to explain these interesting concepts.
With all the amazing facets of our bodies, how do they work all together? Our body systems interact making the human body the most complex machine ever built. Learn about how the nervous, reproductive, digestive, excretory, circulatory, respiratory, muscular, immune and skeletal systems work together to perform all of our daily activities. Vivid graphics and images illustrate the interrelationship of the body systems.