Added by: Liuba_C | Karma: 57.37 | Black Hole | 20 March 2017
Focus 2 Student's Book
FOCUS is a brand new course for upper-secondary schools that takes students from A2 up to C1 level and offers a thorough preparation to the school leaving exam.
Focus on Grammar, in its new fourth edition, maintains the proven pedagogy that makes it the most popular contextualized grammar series worldwide. Its unique four-step approach takes students from context to communication — blending content, reading, writing, listening, speaking and critical thinking in a complete program, and preparing students to understand and use English more effectively.
Focus is a rich, varied, carefully levelled course for upper secondary students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, Focus helps students prepare for exam success. With its unique blended learning package, Focus is the flexible course that gets results. Focus offers targeted development of exam skills.Starting from the very first level of the course students are offered regular exposure to EXAM-TYPE TASKS and exam reference. Focus is the first upper secondary course to offer a separate material devoted particularly to exam preparation.
FOCUS is a five-level upper secondary course designed to align with the learning objectivesof the Global Scale of English and Common European Framework.
Interactive speaking videos accompany most of the speaking lessons, making them more attractive and dynamic. The goal of these videos is to help students focus on and practise functional language in everyday situations.
This completely revised International Express, with 100% new material, meets all the practical language needs of adult professional learners. The series retains the popular student-centred approach and strong communicative focus, while adding a range of new features.