A very cute rhyme for kids about a little bear that doesn't want to eat anything but honey. Vocabulary focus: some foodstuff Grammar focus: Would you? I will not; pronoun 'some'; plurals of nouns.
Focus on Advanced English CAE Student's Book 14 units covering a wide variety of stimulating topics *authentic reading texts from a range of sources *systematic development of all skills needed for CAE *thorough practice for each paper in the exam *Language and Learning Focus sections providing a learner training element *Grammar File with detailed information on all points covered in the units *Writing File with model text types and useful language
После длительного перерыва продолжаем знакомство с курсом Focus on Grammar (2-e издание|2nd edition). Сегодня у нас четвёртая "рабочая тетрадь" Focus on Grammar, Workbook - High-Intermediate. Авторами этой рабочей тетради являются Marjorie Fuchs и Margaret Bonner. Это сборник заданий к четвёртому тому учебного курса Focus on Grammar тех же авторов
Focus on Grammar, Second Edition - серия учебных пособий, где в основу изложения матерала положен согласованный подход из четырёх ступеней, позволяющий обучающимся проще усваивать сложные аспекты грамматики, а преподавателям - объяснять и закреплять материал с меньшими затратами усилий. В каждом тексте основного курса присутствуют такие элементы, как Grammar in Context, Grammar Presentation, Focused Practice, and Communication Practice.
За возможность ознакомления с этим изданием благодарим Blind Sniper и сайт EasyEnglish CD-ROM added
Focus on Grammar CD-ROM Advanced 1st ed.
Clear, contextualized, and interactive, four-level Focus on Grammar software program provides extensive multimedia grammar practice through lively reading, listening, and writing activities.
FOG is easy to install and easy to use. The program includes extensive targeted pop-up Grammar Charts, Grammar Notes, and Appendices for easy reference. It also includes TOEFL-type review tests (old TOEFL exam) and record-keeping functions for keeping track of individual performance.
In addition to an abundance of contextualised exercises, learners see target structures in full reading and listening passages, not just isolated sentences. Learners also use the grammar to express their own ideas in original written passages.
The CD-ROM can be used with both the first and second editions of the Focus on Grammar Student Books.
Windows 95/98/Me/XP & Macintosh
The Power of Focus People who focus on what they want, prosper. Those that don't, struggle. This book reveals the specific focusing strategies used by successful men and women. Learn how to focus on your strengths and eliminate everything else that's holding you back. Change bad habits into habits that will help make you debt-free, and create a balance between work and family, with no guilt.