This book provides a comprehensive and authoritative account and analysis of restorative justice, one of the most rapidly growing phenomena in the field of criminology and justice studies.
Doing Applied Linguistics provides a concise, lively and accessible introduction to the field of applied linguistics for readers who have little or no prior knowledge of the subject. The book explores the basics of the field then goes on to examine in more depth what applied linguists actually do, and the types of research methods that are most frequently used in the field.
Part of the highly-regarded Applied Linguistics in Action series, Teaching and Researching: Motivation, provides the most up-to-date coverage of the rapidly-changing field of motivation research and practice. The new edition takes into account the radical reframing of motivation since 2001 and offers a completely updated map of the field, encompassing recent advances, highlighting the current paradigmatic shift in thinking, and pointing forward to future developments and directions in research and practice.Offers an up-to-date summary of the latest developments in both applied linguistics and motivational psychology. Provides a theoretical summary of the various facets of motivation
When we think of psychology, we think of a field dedicated to understanding and curing the dark side of life--addictions, phobias, compulsions, anxieties, and on and on. But there is a field of psychology that looks at the bright side, that considers seriously these questions: What makes life most worth living? And how can we pursue a good life? That field is called, not surprisingly, positive psychology.
The second edition of this handy book presents some 2,500 formulas and calculation guides for civil engineers to help them in the design office, in the field,and on a variety of construction jobs, anywhere in the world.