On the busiest shopping day of the year, idealistic students wade into malls across America carrying concealed devices they believe will cause chaos at the checkouts. But at the nation's largest shopping center, the results are incendiary - and people lie dead. A white-collar lobby group called Citizens for American Pride takes responsibility for the protest action, calling for an end to cheap, foreign-made goods and exported manufacturing jobs. But they insist the bombing was the work of rogue members, zealots who took the message too far...
Games & Activities for Primary Modern Foreign Languages (Classroom Gems)
This new book embodies the philosophy of learning through play. It aims to equip those faced with teaching foreign languages in the primary sector with a large collection of classroom activities which encourage pupils to use the foreign language in a fun and physical way, while focusing on speaking skills. Readers are given background into how to use the activities effectively, how to combine activities in one lesson and how to adapt activities to suit different age groups to ensure they get the most out of their lessons.
Dyslexia in the Foreign Language Classroom (Second Language Acquisition)
This book addresses specific learning difficulties in reading and spelling -- developmental dyslexia. Set in the cross-linguistic context, it presents issues surrounding dyslexia from the perspective of a foreign language teacher. It is intended to serve as a reference book for those involved in foreign language teaching.
FOREIGN POLICY is the premier, award-winning magazine of global politics, economics, and ideas. Our mission is to explain how the world works - in particular, how the process of global integration is reshaping nations, institutions, cultures, and, more fundamentally, our daily lives.